28 dicembre 2016

THE END OF 2016..

Little miss, really very little, this 2016, has definitely left a mark than the other, on a personal level, I talk about it later, in the world 2016 was the year of the millions of innocent victims, politicians tornadoes, the election day, not go as should have to go .. the world has opened eyes, the importance of equal rights ..September 12, I went to visit the monument in honor of John Lennon, Strawberry Fields, he was a young, maybe my age, who with his guitar sang perfectly the notes of Imagine, in that moment I could not help nothing but analyze every single word of that wonderful song, imagine, all the people holding hands, no more wars, no more pain, no more tears and suffering .. not just a song, but a real prayer .. basically is what we hope all of us, a world where a husband does not kill the mother of his children out of jealousy, a world where one religion is not used as an excuse to a real human massacre, a world where children from around the world possava live happy and playing, all at Similarly, just as the children of one god .. a world where even women can govern, that's what I hope for the new year, since 2016, has only brought thousands of innocent victims, of tears and pain..
On the personal level, there have been many ups and many downs, the year began with a new job, new responsibilities .. a beautiful granddaughter, and the discovery of a friendship born almost on a bet, and another great friendship was born plan plan .. without these two would still melancholy and moody girl always, they brought me back to life, and never stop to tell him thank you .. was the year of another loss that marked my life, my grandfather passed away .. The death of my grandfather came at the end of his battle with cancer, who had attacked him in April, in just two months has consumed gradually, guilt have worn my soul, because when I decided to leave my city, I decided that I would never come back ... and so I did, heedless of the fact that this meant that I would not have seen more than my grandparents .. how I felt guilty in 2009, I felt so in June the first time that I saw him again ..2016, however, has also brought good things, like my return in the two cities I love, London and New York, in April after a heavy month of work and rest skipped, I left for five days in London, alone, l ' I lived like a true Londoner, I turned on the subway, I visited far and wide, were the five best days of my life, I realized that if I wanted the little flashes of happiness then I had to drop everything and leave, so I made in September, when I left for New York, for the commemorations of September 11, I owed to the city that I always loved .. and it was gorgeous..but this was also the year of my social rebirth, the year that finally I have not devoted only to work, but also and above all to myself, the year of my physical recovery, losing a 4 sizes, l ' year that I loved myself, all this was about a newfound friendship after years of hatred between us, and another born to work, some as born in the classroom, the larger these friendships .. they have made me also think again about the meaning of friendship between man and woman .. because if you will, can exist.it is also the year where I realized that if I have some ideas, if I think one thing I will say, I wanted to expand my way, maybe very small, to help children in the world who need .. I also want to give a voice to a voice who does not have it .. but maybe this can be a good way for 2017

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