16 giugno 2015

shopping online or in stores?

From my second salary dating back to ten years ago, until last year, at least twice a week I went around the shops,
Shopping low cost .. wrapped also important signatures, then last year I realized I really spend too much ..! But all the good intentions in the world, I could not stay away from shopping .. indeed I broadened my horizons .. one night after deciding (and maybe that was the only time I tell the truth) to buy two pairs of jeans , my now were old, I saw in a magazine advertising a shopping site for low cost, I could even pay on delivery, and this for me was a real death sentence .. wrapped even if I admit I have with others a problem .. a sort of convulsion to spend .. here because I recognize myself in the very character of Becky Bloomwood of the book and the film I LOVE SHOPPING, even one day I thought I'd freeze my credit card, but then I saw a chance of a website, and it all started again ..
Some people eat chocolate when depressed (before I did too) and who prefer to surround themselves with things that she loves .. I for example I have two agendas! I know it's absurd I thought about it after months .. a person so little involved in social as me what do I do with two agendas? business appointments were good even on just a single .. but as a I took in mid-2014 for the following year .. I did not go to the idea that then going to London earlier this year, I would have found a wonderful to just 35 pounds .. not remind me currency ..
I know I'm still a shopaholic responsible, if I can not buy it .. (I note, however, for the following month) take note of all the expenses .. and always balance the account of my credit card, even if wrapped is really difficult. .Now then with my niece on the way, and since I am her godmother (is my brother gave me this good news immediately) would have some sort of responsibility to you, and so I have a jar where every day I put something, from coins banknotes, so as to make them a great gift when it is born ..do not ask me if I stopped to shop because it is just so, so far I was shopping for me, for my mother (all the things you want .. or almost) now I do it for three, even for this little angel, rompers, shoes accessories all you can of course serve low cost, and online but I feel the weight of debts slightly less .. who knows .. I stop in a few months ..
If you want to know if shopping make me happy... not always.. but yes :)

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