27 luglio 2016


Today my 5 days off, I should devote to my blog, I wanted to relax so this evening after dinner in the hotel, I would take my laptop and I would put in the garden to write, I love writing ... I was in the process of organizing the rest of the day relaxing and sea blog, I woke up happy, happy to think of an impossible love but don't know why can't get anyway on smile, happy to chat with the other guests in the breakfast room of the hotel, happy I don't even know anymore why, but then everything changed While I was getting ready to return to the beach, I got a call from my mom telling me that my grandfather after an illness that lasted four months, which consumed him to the bone, stunner, has died at the age of 86 years. My grandfather has always been an authoritarian figure, I've never had a big feeling, compared to what I had with my grandmother, but that doesn't mean I'm not bad, just that part of me thinks, he 86 years came, who worries me is Dad, my dad is like me, keeps everything inside all hidden feelings almost as if he were jealous. and I know that meeting him in a while will be really hard because my dad in his life cried a few times, when we are born we three, when my brother and I stayed in the hospital for surgery to appendicitis, and when his mother died, this time he followed step by step grandfather, knew what we were getting into,he knew that sooner or later would have to say goodbye, I can not help but think how many members of my family are dying from this disease, the tears cancer, consumes, destroys the plant up to make them, my grandfather were days that now was not eating more and morphine took effect one day out of three, I am very sorry for my grandfather, although I do not know why I'm crying like when my grandmother died,not that he cared, but the relationship with my grandfather has always been different from that with Grandma ... and now I'm here wondering what to say and what to do, unfortunately I'm the kind of person that if he sees one suffer in agony in a bed, then God would prefer that he looks like his will, I knew that my grandfather was suffering, and pretty sure that these days would happen, but I can't say it was better this way because this horrible disease was wiping out, and for a man like him always independent, it was a shock to be stuck in a bed.to him as well as my grandmother at the time I have to just say sorry, sorry for not coming over, sorry for missed calls, sorry for occurrences forget ..Rip Grandpà i love you

26 luglio 2016


After the tragedy of September 11 america has had to deal with a president who along with other great of the earth, they put the whole america look bad, because on one hand there was a New York devastated by the pain he was looking for to rise by their own efforts, and to commemorate the memory of all his fallen, on the other there was an america ready to fight and recruit thousands of soldiers sent to Afghanistan to fight the suicide bombers, but with the excuse of humanitarian aid, as then america has become the evil monster, that he preferred to take revenge and kill innocent children.
When there were the elections of 2004 and among the candidates was a young African American with two little girls and a wife, lawyer active in his campaign .. I do not know about you, but I saw a glimmer of light.
I loved New York almost always, from the fifth grade, when a lesson of Geography you spoke of the United States, and after having taught us all about the states, my teacher who is also a big fan of New York, showed us a video, at that precise moment was born my love for the big apple ..
So for me, feel that because of New York, and those attacks that many stupid felt phony, or addiruttura concocted by the Americans themselves, both broke out "war" absolutely bothered me, even if my blood is Italian, for me the is why the candidacy of Barack Obama I saw a glimmer of light, america one that still makes racial discrimination, but that day in November 2004, my heart is and always will be American, wanted something new, almost unexpected, wanted a man who could enter the hearts of the people, he wanted to hope, and yesterday's speech in Philadelphia for the convention of Hilary Clinton, the First Lady, a woman I admire very much, a real inspiration, his speech yesterday where practically tells him not to lose hope, as two young black girls, beautiful and intelligent living at the white house, thanks to the ambition of their parents, thanks to an america that still believes, still dreams still alive .. and that is why we must support the candidacy of Hilary, because Hilary will be another turning point, because Hilary will be able to continue the American dream .. So you have to say Thank you, thank Barack for his commitment and dedication, thanks to Michelle for its naturalness and desire to help others ... and now Americans run and voted Hilary Clinton and continue to dreamSo for me, feel that because of New York, and those attacks that many stupid felt phony, or addiruttura concocted by the Americans themselves, both broke out "war" absolutely bothered me, even if my blood is Italian, for me the is why the candidacy of Barack Obama I saw a glimmer of light, america one that still makes racial discrimination, but that day in November 2004, my heart is and always will be American, wanted something new, almost unexpected, wanted a man who could enter the hearts of the people, he wanted to hope, and yesterday's speech in Philadelphia for the convention of Hilary Clinton, the First Lady, a woman I admire very much, a real inspiration, his speech yesterday where practically tells him not to lose hope, as two young black girls, beautiful and intelligent living at the white house, thanks to the ambition of their parents, thanks to an america that still believes, still dreams still alive .. and that is why we must support the candidacy of Hilary, because Hilary will be another turning point, because Hilary will be able to continue the American dream .. So you have to say Thank you, thank Barack for his commitment and dedication, thanks to Michelle for its naturalness and desire to help others ... and now Americans run and voted Hilary Clinton and continue to dream, dream of amrican, and help America to be fabulous like always..

10 luglio 2016


Christian Dior, è stato il più grande art director nel mondo della moda, e ha lasciato a tutti noi la più grande maison mondiale famosa per l'eleganza e la raffinatezza di ogni collezione.
Negli anni ,dopo la morte di Mounsier Dior ,si sono susseguiti grandi nome della moda Yves Saint Laurent , John Galliano , Gianfranco Ferrè a Raf Simmons durato pochissimo , per lo scarso successo delle sue collezioni, ora è il momento della nostra Maria Grazia Chiuri, si lo so, la maison è stata già diretta di un Italiano, ma se donna l'orgoglio scusate se lo dico ma è doppio, si perchè in molti dicono che non potrebbe essere possibile che una donna diriga una casa di moda con un nome cosi prestigioso, ma Maria Grazia che per anni è stata art director per Valentino, sicuramente se la caverà in modo egregio..
Io personalmente non vedo l'ora di vedere la sua prima collezione ..
Nel frattempo in bocca al lupo alla donna che ha segnato il suo nome nel mondo della moda per sempre.


Il sole, il mare Sophia Loren , e centinaia di vip tutti li per festeggiare i 30 anni della maison siculo-milanese , perchè con il loro mega staff il mitico duo Dolce and Gabbana hanno scelto lo scenario di Napoli, la Napoli millenaria quella di San Gregorio Armeno , quella delle stradine strette.. quella dei panni stesi fuori al balcone, quella delle prime pizzette fritte alle dieci del mattino, quella del ci si saluta per strada anche se non ci si conosce, la napoli verace, quella che mi ha dato i natali, proprio come alla mitica Sofia Loren .
Quando ho saputo che l'attrice avrebbe ricevuto la cittadinanza onoraria, e che Dolce & Gabbana avrebbero festeggiato i loro 30 anni e onorato la Loren a Napoli, beh ho provato una sorta di orgoglio , ho visto i video postati dalla mitica Anna Dello Russo , le foto postate dalle migliori testate di moda mondiali ed è stato amore a prima vista.. anche se ho provato pena per le modelle costrette su tacchi vertiginosi a calcare il pavè antico di Napoli.. povere ragazze.. però le collezioni presentate , si descrivono in un unica parola.. MAGNIFICHE.


Metti una bellissima serata , sfondo Roma e le sue bellezze antiche , come la bellissima fontana di Trevi, metti una passerella trasparente proprio sulla fontana, metti le top models del momento Kendall Jenner e Bella Hadid, e poi prendete i capolavori ispirati alla bellissima Maria Antonietta di Francia, create dal mitico Karl Lagerfeld , per la mitica famiglia Fendi , e potete dire di aver assistito ad uno degli show più belli del mondo della moda..

Ovviamente non ho potuto assistere, ma ho visto centinaia di video ,articoli e foto .Mi sono letteralmente innamorata di tutte le creazioni, specie le scarpe proprio in puro stile parigino 1700' Kendall e Bella hanno sicuramente attirato molti flash dei paparazzi , cosi come anche le centinaia di celebrities italiane e estere invitate ad assistere ad uno dei fashion show che resteranno nella storia.

Ecco alcune foto

Women march

Women made history yesterday in Usa.. my heart and my ideas was with them .. I am a #nastywoman I believe in power of our voice.. I believ...