28 dicembre 2016


there are days that I grieve on this thing .. it may be possible that there is? I have always believed in love at first sight, in love forever, but then I look around and see only people who suffer .. betrayal, tears, unions that go to hell because rather than teamwork, you end up become a team with a single captain, when I say that the man who says the phrase -in my home I command .. - it makes me laugh, it's not because I want to say that the house must command the woman, or even put in questioned his feeling of superiority, but I think in a couple, in a family, the two people who decide to live together and build something, should work on this together, and not deciding another as must move .. I do not know if one day I'll create my own family, I'll find someone with whom to share things, well I want to share everything, I want to go to the person I love and to say today we have to do the shopping, we prepare the list? and not say, here's the list go to the grocery store .. or find someone who would tell me that today we have seen dear both worked late not cook I order something to take away .. work both to run a report would do last longer; of course there are not only these problems, there is also a lack of mutual respect,I love when I have eyes for the person I love, and I wonder how it is possible, how do people get in the bed next to your partner or your partner and maybe even say I love you, after flirting with another person ..at times I really wonder how they do it ..
So I ask what love is .. because those who love, is bound to suffer? and then I ask myself why I should let me go to something that in one way or another will eventually make me suffer?

THE END OF 2016..

Little miss, really very little, this 2016, has definitely left a mark than the other, on a personal level, I talk about it later, in the world 2016 was the year of the millions of innocent victims, politicians tornadoes, the election day, not go as should have to go .. the world has opened eyes, the importance of equal rights ..September 12, I went to visit the monument in honor of John Lennon, Strawberry Fields, he was a young, maybe my age, who with his guitar sang perfectly the notes of Imagine, in that moment I could not help nothing but analyze every single word of that wonderful song, imagine, all the people holding hands, no more wars, no more pain, no more tears and suffering .. not just a song, but a real prayer .. basically is what we hope all of us, a world where a husband does not kill the mother of his children out of jealousy, a world where one religion is not used as an excuse to a real human massacre, a world where children from around the world possava live happy and playing, all at Similarly, just as the children of one god .. a world where even women can govern, that's what I hope for the new year, since 2016, has only brought thousands of innocent victims, of tears and pain..
On the personal level, there have been many ups and many downs, the year began with a new job, new responsibilities .. a beautiful granddaughter, and the discovery of a friendship born almost on a bet, and another great friendship was born plan plan .. without these two would still melancholy and moody girl always, they brought me back to life, and never stop to tell him thank you .. was the year of another loss that marked my life, my grandfather passed away .. The death of my grandfather came at the end of his battle with cancer, who had attacked him in April, in just two months has consumed gradually, guilt have worn my soul, because when I decided to leave my city, I decided that I would never come back ... and so I did, heedless of the fact that this meant that I would not have seen more than my grandparents .. how I felt guilty in 2009, I felt so in June the first time that I saw him again ..2016, however, has also brought good things, like my return in the two cities I love, London and New York, in April after a heavy month of work and rest skipped, I left for five days in London, alone, l ' I lived like a true Londoner, I turned on the subway, I visited far and wide, were the five best days of my life, I realized that if I wanted the little flashes of happiness then I had to drop everything and leave, so I made in September, when I left for New York, for the commemorations of September 11, I owed to the city that I always loved .. and it was gorgeous..but this was also the year of my social rebirth, the year that finally I have not devoted only to work, but also and above all to myself, the year of my physical recovery, losing a 4 sizes, l ' year that I loved myself, all this was about a newfound friendship after years of hatred between us, and another born to work, some as born in the classroom, the larger these friendships .. they have made me also think again about the meaning of friendship between man and woman .. because if you will, can exist.it is also the year where I realized that if I have some ideas, if I think one thing I will say, I wanted to expand my way, maybe very small, to help children in the world who need .. I also want to give a voice to a voice who does not have it .. but maybe this can be a good way for 2017

27 dicembre 2016


Le immagini che arrivano da Aleppo , sono un qualcosa di indescrivibile, sangue lacrime e macerie sono il riassunto di una vita distrutta dalla cattiveria dell'essere umano.
Un mostro come Assad e un altro come Putin, stanno mettendo in ginocchio migliaia di donne e bambini, si perchè loro la guerra ai civili la stanno facendo..
Un dittatore , il primo , Bashar Hafiz al-Asad, un tiranno, successore del padre, nel 2012 inizia una guerra contro i ribelli anti Assad , per la maggiore occupanti di Aleppo, aveva bisogno di un aiuto militare, per fronteggiare, e si è affidato ad un narcisista arrogante fanatico piccolo uomo , Vladimir Putin, presidente di una nazione, famosa proprio perchè non guarda in faccia a donne e bambini, e se deve lanciare una bomba non ci pensa due volte, i due insieme, hanno vinto questa guerra, sterminando migliaia di civili, tra cui tantissimi bambini, si perchè questa guerra , forse più di altre ha visto un vero e proprio sterminio di bambini.


Per prima cosa va sottolineato che lo stato estremista islamico, non centra niente con la guerra che è in atto ad Aleppo in Siria, perchè questa è una guerra tra ribelli mussulmani sunniti contro il dittatore Assad, i mussulmani sunniti, sono del gruppo di Al Quaeda vi ricordate di Osama Bin Laden l'uomo che insieme ai suoi seguaci fece l'attentato alle torri gemelle e questo costò caro ma mai quanto quello che succede ora , all' Afghanistan? e anche se questi fanno parte di questo gruppo, e che forse i primi a volerli vedere morti tutti sono proprio gli stati uniti , per vendetta all'attentato del 11/9 , rimane comunque il fatto che USA e tutti gli stati membri delle Nazioni Unite, non possono attaccare nessuno se prima non viene concesso dall'organizzazione.
Più volte le nazioni unite hanno richiamato la Siria , e cioè Assad per aver usato armi chimiche contro i civili , ricordo ancora le foto di quei bambini blu in viso, morti e stesi per terra in strada cosi come a far vedere al mondo cosa sono capaci di fare.. Ed ecco che la Siria Sunnita , fa la guerra alla Siria Shiita , quindi l'alleanza militare con la Russia, per sterminare i ribelli e purtroppo ci sono riusciti..

Ho visto immagini e video che fanno davvero venire i brividi , e allo stesso tempo mi fanno capire quanto noi siamo fortunati, anche se dico la verità , in un mondo fatto di guerre, odio e quant'altro l'idea di mettere al mondo un figlio spaventa parecchio.. 
Sono pienamente d'accordo con Lucy Ahrish che dice che è un olocausto quello che sta succedendo ad Aleppo, e che l'occidente , in particolare l'ONU , organizzazione nazioni unite, non stanno facendo niente per aiutare quelle persone, i civili, i bambini.. sapere che si spara anche sui convogli pieni di civili che scappano da Aleppo, sapere che i bus sono stati bruciati, sapere che ancora dopo tre giorni dalla cosidetta fine della guerra di Aleppo , ancora muoiono bambini, ancora il sangue di quelle anime innocenti è sulle mani di quei due mostri.. e pensare che anche loro hanno dei figli, mi viene da chiedergli e se i vostri figli vivessero una cosa del genere? ma ce lo avete un cuore? e perchè i grandi della terra non si muovono a fermare questa guerra.. perchè lasciate che Putin , quell'insignificante minuscolo uomo, appoggi una cosa cosi brutta, perchè le nazioni unite non impongono a Putin di non muovere più un dito all'infuori della Russia, visto che ovunque si muove crea morti e pestilenze? porta orrore negli occhi delle persone? I russi lo amano? beh allora che pensi ai russi. 
Oggi leggevo che l'ONU ha approvato la proposta francese di mandare delle squadre ONU , pronte a raggiungere i posti già demoliti e martoriati per far si che i pochi superstiti possano riuscire a salvarsi, pericoloso verissimo, queste persone andranno a rischiare la loro vita per salvarne altre.. sperando riescano a salvarsi tutti.. e sperando non ci siano più altri morti innocenti rimaniamo a guardare in attesa di nuove notizie..e preghiamo che siano arrivati alla fine di questa guerra stupida... l'ennesima che vede scorrere solo il sangue dei bambini.

4 dicembre 2016

When the heart back to beating back the fear ..

My heart was always the prey of impossible love, of loves not reciprocated, fake friendships, and convenience, after yet another disappointment I decided that my heart would no longer suffered for anyone, as I put in a casket. . without throwing the key, almost like to hope that sooner or later the true love, true friendships would come, it is difficult to explain these things, it's hard to be understood; it is difficult to accept the disappointments and get up every time, and go on day after day, sometimes even having to see every day those people, a kind of heart bullying, you know, it sounds bad .. but when you smile at those circumstance first he wanted to become your friend, and then give him the soul, think that finally is going to happen what you hope, that he feels the same things that you try, and then poof .. disappears into thin air, and then if this happens to you several times .. well then, beyond the absurd bad luck to meet people horrendous, you decide that it's time to say stop, stop, suffering, stop the people who take advantage of your kindness .. then one day you know people who look different , people today are for me the only good thing of life change did a year ago, he found a smile, enthusiasm, having had the opportunity to re-evaluate a person, hated the fault of others, and now He is my best friend,so I am glad, I gave myself a chance to give a chance to me and also to the people around me, the happiness found, did return to my heart beat, and the fear is there, but falling back this time I know that I will not hurt, I know that this time if I fall, there will be some wonderful people to heal my wounds ..


Like every year, we come to the time of year where the most important question that arises is every girl .. - what gift for Christmas?

As for friends, my mother or my sister I never had a problem .. but for men have always had serious difficulties ..


Mini drone, with smartphone access and wifi on amazon to 35 €

 clock Asus connection to your smartphone, heart rate, cost € 116

Yuntab SW01 Bluetooth Watch SmartWatch Fitness Wrap Wrist Watch Cell Phone with Touch Screen Camera for iPhone Samsung HTC LG Android smartphone Phone SIM Card (Black) €30,00

Huawei 771656 p8 lite 16gb €160,00


set da vino 35€ ca. 

thermometer wine bottle .. 15€

Bluetooth headphones, with sound insulation, folding with a cellular connection ..

Camera, Action Sports Camera, Action Camera 12MP, Full HD video at 1080p and 30 fps, Water-resistant to 30m depth, 2-Inch Display, Multiple Accessories for Outdoor Sports € 56

white skirt Benetton € 34,99


At least once a year for us women it comes time where our self-esteem can go fuck himself, is because the world is spoken only and only the most famous lingerie fashion show .. this year Victoria has brought her wonderful and perfect angels in Paris, among the most talented performers like Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars .. between the models beyond the veterans Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio, there were also Hadid sisters, the baby of the family Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, but also the beautiful Joan Smalls .. oh and the little baby bump of Irina Shayk ,here are some pictures of the most pink of Paris evening...

Women march

Women made history yesterday in Usa.. my heart and my ideas was with them .. I am a #nastywoman I believe in power of our voice.. I believ...